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Writer's picturebreaking0golf

Welcome to Breaking _0!

I love golf. You might say that I’m obsessed with it. I love playing, practicing, tinkering, experimenting, finding new ways to do things, competing, all of it. What I have also found is that I love helping others get better as well. Seeing someone on the chipping green finally hit that low spinner that you only see on tv, having someone tell me they had their best putting round all year after trying a tip I gave them, or helping someone find their go to shot off the tee gives me so much energy, and I want to find a way to do that more often.

My goal with this website, my Instagram, and my Twitter pages is to provide basic golf tips that I have found helpful myself and explain how they might help you as well. These will not be swing tips in the classic sense. It’s hard to make blanket statements about how to “fix” someone’s swing flaw without having a video of that person’s swing. Some video tips are helpful, for sure, but it’s extremely difficult to fix someone’s over-the-top move without actually seeing what you’re working with. That’s not to say I wouldn’t feel comfortable helping someone with their swing. I’m obsessed with the golf swing. Ask anyone I’ve taken a lesson from and they’ll tell you I am constantly asking questions, needing to know why they tell me what they tell me. However, that isn’t the main driver of this business.

In 20+ years of playing competitive golf at various levels, I have picked up a great deal of knowledge that I have stored away for reference. I have worked with some of the best golf instructors, sports psychologists, and fitness trainers in the game. While I am certainly not an expert in any one of these areas, I have taken note of much of what they have told me and tried to implement it in my own game. I have seen the benefits of their teaching and had success with it.

On top of that, my dad was a teaching professional before I was born, and he taught me a lot of the fundamentals that I built on as I grew older. He was a pro before all of the technology, but his ideas still hold up today. Things like “round and in balance,” “swing THROUGH the ball,” and “you don’t HIT the putt, you ROLL the putt” still apply now as much as they did back then. These types of simple mantras can certainly help anyone trying to get better.

I have played in two PGA Tour events where I got to witness some of the best players on Earth practice and play. I picked up a lot from them, especially in the way they went about practicing. I have found that the average golfer doesn’t know how to practice effectively or efficiently. By watching the best players in the world, I picked up a lot of ways that they make their practice both effective and efficient. By implementing some of their routines, you can make huge improvements without having to worry about massive changes in techniques.

Anyway, I’ve been rambling on and on. Let’s get to the fun stuff. Let’s get you to shoot your lowest scores ever and help you break 100, 90, 80, or 70 for the first time!

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